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Ashley Elizabeth Irving was born in New York in 1996. She started her childhood in New England with her close family, and eventually moved to the South in Georgia, where she has been for over fifteen years.

Ashley uses food images to connect the viewers to the idea of homeness, nostalgia, and the use of comfort foods. This concept of homeness combines nostalgia and the feelings of family that is symbolized by the images of food. Each dish that is selected is chosen based on the dish's difficulty or meaning. For example, the Bento Series showed how mothers put in the time, effort, and dedication required to make them everyday. The best example of family connection through food is through the prints that show an image of bossam, boiled pork and kimchi. Kimchi is a very time consuming and laborious activity, and most families spend that time bonding while making the kimchi. 

Some artists that she aspires to be like and would like to meet:

Ivan Hoo 

CJ Hendry 

Kim Young Sung 


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